Valusiak is back!
Dom on Valusiak
Petr is no stranger to Blackburn and I’m sure will need no introduction to the fans and the room. He’s an extremely high talented player who can add to our offence and play an all around game. It was unfortunate for him to be left without a team in the manner it happened & that we were already full with our quota of imports otherwise I’m sure he would have been with us from the start.
Losing Devids hasleft a bit of a gap & we’ve spoken to Pollitt and he mentioned moving back as he has played there at the national level and does a tremendous job on D when called upon. This opened the opportunity to for us to look for a forward.
With the deadline fast approaching we moved quickly to see if Val was still interested in making the move back to Blackburn. It’s no secret that we have very young talented players and we need to have as much depth as possible. With Val coming in we now have that back and to be honest feel it works a bit in our favour. We also want to make sure we are putting more experience with our younger guys to fill Lee’s role up front and maintaining strength through the forward line up.
We need to get Petr back on the ice with us to get him up to speed and we hope to welcome him into the line up as soon as possible. I’m sure all the fans will give #79 a massive welcome home.
Petr on returning.
Thank you to the Hawks for wanting me back and I can’t wait to start playing. It’s the best building to play in the league for sure.
I’m happy to have signed and I’m looking forward to contributing and having success with Blackburn. 🦅